BlueFin Partners With The VOA

BlueFin Partners With The VOA

The BlueFin Agency is excited to announce we have partnered with the Virginia Optometric Association to provide graphics, apparel and promotional products to its members throughout Virginia. VOA members will enjoy exclusive discounts and service offerings designed to help increase brand awareness for their businesses, while saving on annual membership dues. 10% of the sales price for items purchased through the website will go toward reducing the member’s annual VOA membership dues. Members can shop for everyday business items like: appointment cards, business cards, polos, lab coats, and more. Members will work with the team at BlueFin Agency to assist with logo and art creation, marketing strategies or even custom product searches.

How It Works

Members can shop online or contact BlueFin Agency to identify the products and services they need for their business. BlueFin will produce art proofs for each member prior to production. Once approved, the items will be produced and shipped directly to each member. BlueFin provides sales reporting to the VOA and 10% of each sale will go toward reducing your annual membership dues.

About BlueFin Agency

BlueFin Agency, founded in 2010, is a hybrid marketing company serving small and mid-sized organizations throughout the US. Founder, Chris Legg, MBA, has more than 12 years in healthcare marketing. The focus of the BlueFin Agency is to expand reach, improve quality of effort and reduce costs associated with marketing.

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